12th & 19th March 2011- Eat Chickens for Science
Post date: 17-Feb-2011 13:36:12
I need your help! To eat a lot of chickens in order to further scientific research and encourage people to eat more free range and less miserable chickens.
One little known fact about me is that before I went into another career, I was a scientist. A good friend says the reason I love cooking is that I still have a "lab" - it's more true than she thinks. Based on observations from my kitchen, I have a theory that there is higher cholesterol in miserable intensively farmed chickens than in happy free range or organic chickens. For those that have read my website thoroughly, you'll know that I feel quite strongly about animal welfare and only serve free-range meat. So I resolved to find out. I've found a lab to test the results for me and now I need to provide the samples!
I've spoken to the world expert on chicken fat, and he doesn't know the answer. Compassion in World Farming haven't seen any research either and they are both very interested to find out. I will be doing a pilot study to see preliminary findings - and for this I need to cook 20 chickens and gather samples of their fat. I don't want these chickens to have died in vain so I'm hoping you will all come and eat my chickens. I will fund the pilot study myself and then hopefully, if the results are as I hope, there is likely to be a full in-depth proper scientific study, possibly funded by Compassion in World Farming.
In the interests of eating as much chicken as possible, I will serve Hainanese Chicken Rice as a main course. It's a dish originally from Hainan Island off the south-eastern coast of China, but has been taken to new heights by the Straits Chinese, using tropical spices like galangal (I've eaten this in China and it's not a patch on what we get in Singapore and Malaysia!). This is actually my favourite dish in the whole world so I hope you will trust me and not want another option for main course! If you doubt the popularity of this dish ask any Malaysian or Singaporean you know for a recommendation. It's difficult to get in this country and I don't really know why, except it's not easy to make well. Because of this I've been experimenting for years with recipes!
I'll run my chicken-eating marathons on two consecutive Saturdays (I'm going back to my normal job so supper clubs will only be on Saturdays from the beginning of March), the 12th and 19th March
On the menu will be:
Dim Sum for starters
- Steamed prawn and spring onion balls
- Steamed Pai Gwat Siu Mai - pork spare ribs with black beans
Hainanese Chicken Rice with all the condiments
Gula Malacca made with FRESHLY SQUEEZED coconut milk (I have my mother's coconut scraper now!) - a sago pudding served with palm sugar syrup and coconut milk
Tarte Tatin for those who fancy a more traditional European dessert
sorry, but for obvious reasons, this menu is unsuitable for vegetarians.
Cost will be £25 of which £20 will go to MSF AND you will also be supporting scientific research and happy chickens so just think of all the good karma you will get if you come....
Please mail me with any bookings and which date you'd like!