French Provincial Cooking Lesson - 24th JUNE
French provincial cooking is quite different to the "classic" French cooking with its complex sauces and set ways of doing things. I own a house in France and have spent a lot of time there. French people have a natural way of cooking and are able to throw together dishes, such as tarts, in a very easy and natural manner - we will teach you the same skills, so you too can have effortless entertaining.
Classic savoury tart we will teach both Spinach and Roquefort tart, and another one like leek or mushroom so you understand the principles of making a savoury tart - it's not the same as a quiche!
Poulet au Vin Blanc, Feuilles de Laurier et Gousses d'Ail - Chicken with white wine and bay leaves - this is a great and relatively simple dish (pictured above) but so tasty. I'll also be teaching how to chop up a whole chicken into pieces.
Pommes Dauphinoise - the basics of how to make this layered potato and cream bake
Ratatouille a la Provencale - this is a much abused dish. When made well it can be excellent but it is not just about dumping a load of veg in a tomato sauce! My neighbours taught me the right way to do it.
Tarte Tatin - this delicious caramelised apple dish is one of our signature dishes and something that everyone always asks us the recipe for!
The cost for the lesson will be £60. Spaces are limited to 4 people for individual attention and hands-on cooking. Please mail us on to book or enquire about future dates for this course.