What to expect...
"Gourmandism is one of the principal bonds of society; for it is gourmandism that gradually draws out that convivial spirit which every day brings all sorts together, moulds them into a single whole, sets them talking, and rounds off the sharp corners of conventional inequality" - Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, (1755-1826)
If you don't know what a supper club is, click here
Dining here is a very personal experience. We are not commercial in any way (since we make no profits at all, the vast majority of our supperclub revenues go to MSF and it's very transparent on the JustGiving site). You will feel like you are invited to a private dinner party in a beautiful Victorian house, and we aim to keep it that way - we don't have waiters, but volunteers, you may need to help clear the dishes, and the whole evening is very intimate. This is why our guests keep coming back, and bringing their friends. We have not moved out our sofas in order to accommodate tables - there is a large dining room with one communal table that seats 14 people so that is our limit on guest numbers. Guests mingle in the drawing room before dinner - next to the 107 year old grand piano - before sitting down to dinner, so you can work out who you get on best with and sit with them. Don't be afraid of coming on your own, we have many single guests and everyone is very friendly.
Here is a link to a review from a visitor from MSF which describes an evening very well.
You can also subscribe to our e-mailing list for a regular update of events. We can be reached on info@parkholmesupperclub.co.uk
The suggested donation for a 3 course meal is usually £45, though it depends on the complexity of the meal. £35 of this will be paid in advance direct to Médecins Sans Frontières via our JustGiving site, in order to reserve your place, and you will pay in cash on the night an extra £10 which will go towards the cost of your meal. WE DO NOT MAKE ANY PROFITS on the supperclubs and all time and labour is donated for free. For private bookings, please click here for more information.
Dates and "food themes" are ad hoc - and will be published here, and sent to the mailing list. We book up extremely quickly (often within a day) so please book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. We are NOT licenced so please feel free to bring your own wine or tipple.
We have offered and will continue to offer advice and support to anyone wanting to set up a charity supper club anywhere in the UK, so please do get in touch if you need help.
Photo: Janice Pearson @calamityLDN